ARK Dental Practice operating procedures for re-opening after COVID-19 outbreak
Following the COVID-19 pandemic which forced all dental practices in the UK to close on 23rd March 2020, we are happy to inform our patients that we are planning to re-open ARK Dental Practice from Monday 8th June 2020 and will be offering selected treatments.
We have worked hard in the last few weeks to source all the necessary personal protective equipment to keep our patients and staff safe but, as you may be aware, some items are difficult to obtain because of high demand and supply chain disruption. This means that certain routine treatments are unavailable in the short-term but we plan to resume all treatments by the end of June.
When you visit our practice, you will notice that some changes have occurred along the "patient journey."
In the first instance, we are offering appointments to patients who need urgent treatment or are mid-way through unfinished treatment. This includes patients who have suffered trauma, facial swelling that is worsening, uncontrolled bleeding, severe dental & facial pain that cannot be controlled by painkillers, fractured teeth with an exposed nerve, suspected oral cancer or essential treatment to prevent deterioration of oral health.
As with all businesses we have to observe social distancing rules and limit the number of people who can be in the practice at one time. Therefore, we have to implement the following changes:

Please call us to make an appointment so that we can discuss your needs and explain what we can presently do to help you. You may wish to book an online video consultation for which we will send you a secure link to join (Click here to book). DO NOT ATTEND THE PRACTICE TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT.
You will be asked to fill out or update your medical history form online which can be done at the same time as making your appointment and means you will not have to do it when you attend the practice.
Some questions on the medical history form relate specifically to COVID-19. Before considering making an appointment please check here to see if it is safe to leave home and visit the dentist. If you are unsure please contact us for advice.

Please do not arrive at the practice before your appointed time. If possible, wait in your car or outside until we are ready to see you. We will send you an e-mail or SMS which allows you to notify us when you have arrived. Please come to the door and our nurse will be waiting for you.

On arrival, you will be greeted at the front door by our nurse wearing protective equipment, as per recommendations. She will measure your temperature with an infra-red thermometer. If it is above 37.8 degrees Centigrade your appointment will be rescheduled for a later date. You will then be asked to disinfect your hands with an alcohol hand-rub.
If you have a face-mask please keep it on otherwise one will be provided for you.
Please visit the toilet before you arrive at the practice as it is recommended to touch as few items or surfaces as possible.
You will be asked to place your coat and any other loose items in a secure box which will have been disinfected prior to your using it. This will be kept in a secure room.

You will be accompanied into the treatment room where the dentist will be waiting for you. They will also be wearing protective equipment; we know it seems impersonal and less friendly than you are used to but we hope that we can return to normal in a relatively short time-frame.
Please take a seat in the dental chair for your treatment.
We may ask you to rinse with a hydrogen peroxide containing solution for 1 minute as there is evidence that this inactivates viruses.
Once treatment is complete, please put your mask back on. Our nurse will accompany you to collect your belongings.
We may request payment in advance or send you an e-mail with a link for secure credit/debit card payment.
Any following appointments can be booked online or we can call you to schedule them.
We look forward to seeing you at our practice!